My Wonderful World

My Wonderful World

Sunday, January 28, 2018

Socrates Café

Do you have a hunger for deeper understanding of yourself and the world? Do you value deep, honest and respectful dialogue?

Socrates Café’s are gatherings around the world where people from different backgrounds get together and exchange thoughtful ideas and experiences while embracing the central idea that we learn more when we question, and question with others. At the Socrates Café, we get together for a monthly discussion of a life question that interests or challenges us. We arrive on the night, pick a question we would like to explore and then launch into 90 minutes of facilitated dialogue. To give you a flavor for the types of questions that we explore, here are some recent examples:

- “Why is there a gap between ideals and behavior?”
- “Should drugs be de-criminalized”
- “What does it mean to be a good friend?”.

No philosophical background needed. This is about our own philosophies of life and not necessarily what the great philosophers and academics has said or written. It is not a debating club or a platform to proselytizing. Instead, we place the emphasis on questioning, open mindedness and challenging our own assumptions while listening to and respecting the views shared by others.

We meet on the 1st Tuesday of each month in McAllen city centre promptly at 7:00 pm and wrap-up about 9:00 pm.

If you think this might be for you, or even if you are not quite sure yet, why not come along and give it a try. It would be great to see you.

Socrates Café: A space where ideas and dialogue can flourish.

A Socrates Café to speak only Spanish, will also be organized, in addition to the English version.

If you are interested in attending this event, please get in touch.

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